AFC Totton vs Folland Sports 05/05/2022 Southampton Senior Cup Final at Southampton St Mary's. Totton win 3-0. Totton in Blue.
Brockenhurst vs Hamble Sports Hampshire Russell Coates Cup Final at Brockenhurst. 4-4 after 90 Minutes. Brockenhurst win on Penalties . Brockenhurst in Blue
Brockenhurst vs Folland Sports 10/03/2022 Southampton Senior Cup. Brockenhurst loose 3-2 Brockenhurst in Blue
AFC Toton vs Eastleigh 08/03/2022 Hampshire Senior Cup Semifinal. Eastleigh win 0-1. Totton in Blue.
Brockenhurst vs Moneyfields 22/02/2022Russell Coates Cup Semi Final. Brockenhurst win 1-0. Brockenhurst in Blue
Littlehampton Town vs Brockenhurst 12/02/2022 Round 5 FA Vase 3-3 after 90 minutes and Littlehampton win 4-1 on Penalties. Brockenhurst in Blue
Also Littlehampton fans with Smoke and flares several times during and after the match. Nothing appears to be
done about them by ground stewards.
Brockenhurst vs Ringwood Town 03/02/2022 Southampton Senior Cup. Brockenurst win 5-1. Brockenhurst in Blue.